Sunday, March 4, 2012

February Totals!

So now that February has come and gone, I thought I'd put together some totals from my exercise record that I record on the Runner's World Calendar (see photo above) hanging in my bathroom!

Runs (5): 9km, 10km, 9.5km, 5km, 10km = 43.5 km
Walks (1): 45 minutes
Spin classes: 3
Swims (4): 1500, 1500, 1700, 1800 = 6500 meters
Basketball: 3 games played (1 hour each)
Ski days: 2 at Marmot in Jasper

So I had 18/29 days with some form of exercise, over the course of four weeks. That works out to 4.5 days of exercise each week. That's not a bad start, but I really would like to kick things up a notch in March, as I am still not feeling anywhere near as in shape as I would like to be, and there are only 119 days left until the Great White North half ironman triathlon - or 17 weeks to go.

March will be a short month for me, since I'll be in Mexico during the last week - hooray for spring break! So over the next 3 weeks, I would really like to complete the following:
at least 5 swims, at least 5 spin classes, at least 6 runs, and one more ski trip of course! If I can get in more than that, even better.

Here's a sample of my training schedule for this week:

Sunday (today): 14km long run
Monday: swim training (1500m or so)
Tuesday: basketball game
Wednesday: swim training (1500m or so)
Thursday: spin class, followed by at least a 20 minute brick run
Friday: off
Saturday: skiing in Jasper

I feel REALLY busy, and I am still not at my dream of 2 runs, 2 bikes, 2 swims per week. Add in work, friends, family and an amazing new does one fit it all in?!? Thank goodness I get to work out with friends and run with the boyfriend, or I'm not sure what I would do.

I have to be proud of myself for what I've gotten done, even if it's not at any kind of elite level, it's still way more than the couch potatoes of the world did last month, and my health and fitness is increasing, even if it's taking time.